Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Intentions

Before I went to school, I lived with my grandparents for long periods of time. My grandmother had a mental library of well-worn gems of folk wisdom that she brought with her from Dublin, Ireland. One of these I particularly remember was, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

I must be on the way to somewhere very toasty, because when this blog was launched in 2008, I thought it would be easy to key in a bon mot here, a morsel of tasty gossip there, and finish every post off with a dazzling poetic flourish.

Here I am, more than two years down the road with nothing blogged, and my good intentions shriveled to a small mound at my feet.

I think that the prospect of being obligated to face a blog page every day (Ah, thos
e good intentions were ambitious!) cooled my urge to join the mainstream of my family and colleagues who dutifully post, and post, and post.

But now I've been inspired by a producer who really knows how to blog to the extreme. If blogging were a sport, she'd be the Clisters or Navratilova of blogging. She and I are working on a documentary about the origins of computer programming language and its history. It happens that she is the daughter of one of the computer wizards who invented a seminal language acronymed as APL (Array Progamming Language), and so has access to myriads of contacts and research material that needs to be networked and grown. You can follow her blog here

So, roused by her example, I have new resolve, no more intentions, just action. We'll see how it all works out.



Writer in Residence said...

Congratulations on a new beginning. Can't wait to see more.