Monday, March 10, 2008

The Beginning of the Journey

For about ten years now, I’ve managed a website that I created to help professional and developing writers (mainly screenplay and television writers). Over that time I’ve also written a number of books, and other resources that I marketed via the website.

But times change, and I’m moving to blogging as a better way to communicate. I’ll keep my website, but I’m looking at this blog as my way to connect with writers in a more personal and accessible web environment.

The main motivation for me to make a change is that I’ve come to the end of a seven-year journey on an epic miniseries/feature project called Iron Road, which I developed, wrote, packaged, and produced in partnership with a wonderful group of film and television professionals, whom you can read about at the Iron Road website.

The experience was challenging, exhilarating, stressful, and fulfilling all at once. But the demands on my time caused my personal website, Create Your Screenplay, to fall far, far behind in upkeep and maintenance. The best solution now is to start fresh.

Since this is the beginning of my blogging career, I’ll end this post by sharing some pictures of the beginning of the shoot of Iron Road in the spring of 2007 in Hengdian Studio City, south of Shanghai. In China, before the first day of principal photography, the custom is to have a ceremony to bring good fortune upon the production. These are some pictures of that event below:


Writer in Residence said...

Yo Barry! This is great! Congratulations on the new blog. Looking forward to more.